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Popular General Accounting
Example Questions & Answers
What type of business needs this service?
What is your annual turnover/sales?
£100k - £199k
How many employees do you have?
5 - 9
How do you currently run your internal accounts?
Spreadsheet software e.g. Excel, Google sheets
Which service(s) are you interested in?
Managing accounts - receivable and payable, Payroll services, Preparing financial statements, Preparing tax returns
How often will you require this service?
What type of business needs this service?
Limited liability partnership (LLP)
What is your annual turnover/sales?
£1m or more
How many employees do you have?
10 or more
How do you currently run your internal accounts?
Which service(s) are you interested in?
How often will you require this service?
I would like to discuss with the pro
What type of business needs this service?
Limited liability partnership (LLP)
What is your annual turnover/sales?
Prefer not to say
How many employees do you have?
0 - Just myself
How do you currently run your internal accounts?
Which service(s) are you interested in?
Balancing books, Bookkeeping, Business valuation, Managing accounts - receivable and payable, Payroll services, Preparing financial statements, Preparing tax returns, VAT returns, I would like to discuss this with the pro
How often will you require this service?
What type of business needs this service?
What is your annual turnover/sales?
Less than £50k
How many employees do you have?
1 - 4
How do you currently run your internal accounts?
Spreadsheet software e.g. Excel, Google sheets
Which service(s) are you interested in?
Preparing tax returns
How often will you require this service?
What type of business needs this service?
What is your annual turnover/sales?
£100k - £199k
How many employees do you have?
5 - 9
How do you currently run your internal accounts?
Accounting software
Which service(s) are you interested in?
Managing accounts - receivable and payable
How often will you require this service?
What type of business needs this service?
What is your annual turnover/sales?
Less than £50k
How many employees do you have?
0 - Just myself
How do you currently run your internal accounts?
Which service(s) are you interested in?
How often will you require this service?
One time
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